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 Old Club News

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Umpires & Referee's Course Nov 23

Officials at trainingi course

There were quite a few people who went to the officials course in Oldbury in November 23.  Some were doing Umpires, some Referees, and Mrs Robson was doing a refresher.  It was an interesting day.  We will be doing some of our own officials training in class too, so you can get some practice in a 'safer' environment than a live competition.  There's only one way to get good at officiating - and that's by doing it!  Both Helen Griffiths and Charlotte Easom were assessed for Umpires 2 and both passed.  Certificates will be handed out in class.

British 23 layout


British Championships

November 2023

A smaller contingent went this year, the World Championships having taken quite a lot out of many of you.  Still, a great haul of medals as always:

Caoimhe Adams - Gold in Team Patterns in a highly competitive division and near miss in Individual Patterns

Oisin Admas - Gold in Team Patterns, near miss in individual patterns

Megan Sills - Gold in Team Patterns

Bella Sills - Gold in Team Patterns, Silver in Tag Team Sparring

Max Hlavac - near miss in Individual patterns in a huge division

Roman Hlavac - Silver in Team Patterns

Bronwyn Harrison - Gold in Team Patterns in a new team too, Bronze in Individual Patterns, near miss in Tag Team sparring

Charlotte Dunkley - Near miss in Individual Patterns, having to do her pattern some 3 times and just missed a medal!

Gina Burgess - Bronze in Individual Patterns

Holly Jones - Gold in Individual Pattners, Silver in Team Patterns, Silver in Tag Team Sparring

Zac Jones - Bronze in Individual Sparring

Morgan Jones - Gold in Individual Sparring - with a broken toe, Silver in Team Patterns, Bronze in Tag Team Sparring

Lauren Hughes - Gold in Team Patterns, Silver in Individual Sparring

Kaden Roche - Silver in Team Patterns

Rosa Ardito - Bronze in Individual sparring

Phoebe Evans - Gold in Individual Patterns, Silver in Tag Team Sparring

Reuben Evans - near miss in Individual Patterns

Banbury TKD Grading

Coloured belt and Black Belt Star Grading

June 2023

Congratulations to everyone on a great grading.  You all passed.  New belts will be given out at your next class.

New Black Belt

Banbury's newest Black Belt

April 2023

Congratulations to Helen on achieving her first degree black belt.  This is no mean feat and we are all so proud of her!

WM Ralph Minott with Mark & Sarah Robson

Ralph Minott visit 2023

March 2023

Banbury Taekwondo students recently traveled to their sister club, Daventry Tigers TKD, for an unforgettable lesson with none other than former Olympic Taekwondo athlete and 8th degree black belt World Master, Ralph Minott. The session was full of fun and learning, as the students got to experience the expertise of a true legend in the field. It's always inspiring to learn from the best, and these students got to do just that. Congratulations to all involved! Thank you WM Minott for coming!

#Taekwondo #OlympicAthlete #WorldMaster #BanburyTaekwondo #DaventryTigersTaekwondo #BlackBelt #MartialArts #Inspiration #FunLearning


English Championships 2023

March 2023

Another excellent haul of medals - 44 across all three clubs, from 45 students.  7 officials too, with two newbies.  16 Gold, 11 Silver and 17 Bronze.  Well done all!

Class at Banbury TKD

Coloured Belt Grading

Feb 2023

Another excellent grading everyone.  Although it was a smaller group, you were doing really well.  Everyone passed and about half of you got A grades, so well done!

Tim Chow getting beaten up

Tim Chow Visit

Feb 2023

We had a great time with Tim Chow - such a gentle giant.  We learnt flying kicks and how to spar, from the Captain of the England TAGB squad.

Banbury TKD Christmas Awards

Christmas Party & Annual Awards

Dec 2022

Bowling at Banbury Bowl is a firm favourite. Add in a LOAD of pizza and chips, and it was a fun time. Awards galore as we recognise the stars from this year.

GM Paul Donnelly at Banbury TKD

Grand Master Donnelly visit

Nov 2022

We had a great time with GM Donnelly.  Thank you, Sir, for coming.  The smiles on everyone's faces said it all!

Officials at local grading

Coloured Belt Grading

July 2022

Well done to all who graded on Sunday 24th July.  There was a very high number of A grades, you all did so well!  Congratulations. 

The next coloured belt grading is planned to be in October 2022 in Daventry.


18th June 2022

Many thanks to all those Banbury students who came over to join in the Flashmob in Daventry.  It was so much fun!  You can watch the full video on our You Tube channel by clicking 'Daventry Flashmob' above.  #DavMob
Banbury TKD

Tri-Club Competition

May 2022

Many thanks to National Cleaning Machines for subsidising our Tri-Club Competition held on 14th May 2022. 

We had all the usual competitions, as well as some fun and whacky events too, such as who can kick the fastest, family team patterns and 'show event'.  It was so much fun, we all really enjoyed ourselves. 

Many thanks to all the Officials and helpers who made the day run so smoothly.

Banbury TKD

Welsh Champion

May 2022

Many congratulations to Archie Brown for winning the Welsh Championships 2022 for individual patterns.

Class time adjustment

Change of Sunday Class Times

From 24th April 2022

Please note that Sunday classes have moved back to 4.30pm and 5.30pm, closer to our pre-Covid times.

Grading Banbury

Covid Mitigations

Easter 2022

Please note that from Easter 2022, we have dropped all the Covid mitigations we had left in place. 

Please let us know if you wish to bring a clinically extremely vulnerable spectator, and we do everything we can to ensure their safety whilst visiting the club.

Group shot

Next Coloured Belt Grading - 6th Feb 2022

6th Feb 2022

The next coloured belt grading is now open for entries.  If you wish to grade, know your pattern and your line work, can give the meaning of your belt, the meaning of your pattern, how many moves are in your pattern and general theory appropriate for your grade, you can enter now.  

Enter on our sister site,

If you are not sure if you or your child is ready to grade, please ask Mark Robson.

Banbury winner Archie Brown

National Champion

November 2021

Archie Brown swept away all the competition and took GOLD in the National Championships for individual patterns, Nov 2021.  Many Congratulations Archie! 

Spiceball Leisure Centre, home of Banbury TAGB TKD

All classes now at Spiceball

Sept 2021

Please note from September 2021, all classes will be held at Spiceball.  We had just outgrown Hanwell Fields Community Centre!

Tuesday classes are now half an hour earlier, to fit in with the Spiceball booking system.

Black Belts outside Grading Hall

Black Belt Grading Weekend

May 2021

Many congratulations to our new black belts and Dan grades.  A most successful grading weekend for all.

New Black Belt - Mary Kelly

2nd Dan - Ashley Kelly

2nd Dan - Darren Moore

2nd Dan - Hannah Finn


Back to In Person Classes

We started back with outdoor classes in the snow, then on to indoor classes for under 18s.  Now we are back to classes indoors for adults and children together.  Adults cannot currently spar but we hope to be able to do that in Step 4.

Zoom Logo

Back to Online Classes

November 2021

Classes have moved back to online, but at least this time we all know what we are doing!

Classes are on Zoom and simultaneously broadcast onto our private Facebook training page, which is only open to current students.  Classes are held on Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays.  See the Online Training Page for more details.

Black Belt

Black Belt Grading weekend

September 2020

Many congratulations to our students who passed their Black Belt grading and Dan gradings at Stockport this weekend.  New grades are:

   Archie Brown - 2nd Dan

   Gareth Carter - 2nd Dan

   Emily Dedman - 1st Dan

Your belts/certificates will be handed out in class as soon as they arrive.

Hanwell Fields, our old home post lockdown

Back to Physical Classes and a new Tuesday Home!

August 2020

We have restarted physical classes in Banbury from August, following lockdown.  

We are very pleased to have secured the Hanwell Fields Community Centre on a permanent basis for our Tuesday classes.  With lots of easy parking on site, shops, and a pub next door, its easy to get to and easy to use.  

Now accepting new students.


Online Grading aka 'Local Assessment'

16th May 2020

Many congratulations to those who took their online Local Assessment on 16th May in lieu of a proper grading whilst we are in lockdown.  There were some pretty impressive performances.  Your grades will be handed out at the next online class.  Trophies, medals, etc, will be handed out when we are back to physical classes.

Banbury Taekwondo Logo

All Classes move Online

March 2020

Following the closure of all clubs by the government announced on Friday 20th March, Banbury TAGB TKD moved swiftly to make all classes available online from Monday 23rd March.  (Mrs Robson's birthday, and no, she was not impressed.)  Whilst thrown into this position at virtually no notice, we have adapted to the 'new normal' very quickly.  Banbury TKD provides a good selection of professional classes suitably adapted to be carried out via video conferencing, still with separate classes for different ages and belts. 

We are still welcoming new starters for those wanting to learn a new skill in lockdown or even just to try something a bit different.

See our online classes page for more details.

Location Map

We're growing... and moving!

It's great to see Banbury TKD growing.  As suspected, we have had to move again.  Tuesdays we now meet in Wykham Park Academy on Ruskin Road in Banbury.  We have a much bigger hall here, which is far more comfortable to train in.  It's all onwards and upwards.


Coloured Belt Grading

November 2019

The next coloured belt grading will take place in Daventry Everyone Active Leisure Centre on Friday 8th November 2019.  White belts to Green tags should meet at the venue at 4.45pm for a 5pm start.  Green belts and above should meet at 5.45pm for a 6pm start.  The grading examiner will be Grand Master Oliver, 9th Degree Black Belt.  Anyone who cannot make it to the venue for these times, please contact Mr Robson and he will arrange alternative timings/dates.  Grading fees must be paid no later than Monday 3rd November 2019.

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